Untied States of America Track & Field
Why and How To:
Why join the United States of America Track and Field (USATF)?
- The USATF is our national organization for national and international training/competition (ie. Olympics.)
- The USATF provides education on all Track and Field/ Running subjects.
- The USATF provides training for coaches for both amateur and professional.
- The USATF awards all athletes for competing via the Phidippides Award. This award is free to all USATF members, it is based on points for various races lengths; 1 mile thru Ultra. Below is a sample of the awards and the link for rules and tables.
USAFT has "All American" Standards/Awards for Master Runners (30 and above.) Please see this link https://nationalmastersnews.com/all-american/
- USATF Cross Country standard (men and women)
- USATF Road Runners standard (men and women)
- USATF Track and Field events standard (men and women)
- USATF Racewalk standard (men and women)
How to join USATF Mid Atlantic Region.
- Go to the USATF login page and select “Individual Membership—Join now”.
- Go through the steps of registration (provide name; email; create password; provide date of birth, etc.).
- Select your profile (just hit the ‘select’ button indicating you want your profile to include the information you just provided during registration)
- Select “USATF Adult Membership” type (cost is $58.30 as of Dec. 2024, but there will be some additional fees in the final cost)
- You may want to select “one time payment”, otherwise the default will be “auto renew”
- For Club Affiliation, just enter your zip code and “Unaffiliated” (SJAC will not be visible as a drop down option).
- Leave the Military and University affiliations blank (unless you are officially competing for these institutions)
- Under the next page, (Member Information)Indicate, select “yes” for “Do you intend to compete in a USATF meet?” (even if you are unsure—this is not a commitment) and “no” for solely being a fan.
- Provide all of the additional information required on the next several screens
- Agree to the USATF Bylaws and Regulations and other codes (links to documents provided on this page), and the agree to the Release of Liability
- Select “Add/checkout” to finalize the purchase of your USATF membership.
Then Transfer into in to SJAC using the following steps:
- Go to the “Members” link, located on the horizontal bar at the left of your screen.
- Select your profile
- Select the “Memberships” link on the SECOND horizontal column (just to the right side of the other column).
- Go to the “Actions” column at the far right side of the screen and select the three dots that are present
- Select “Transfers” and then select “Start Transfers”
- This will bring you to a drop down list of clubs that will include South Jersey Athletic Club. Make sure to select the correct club (there are several similar names)
- Indicate that this is not a temporary transfer (which is the default) and select “Start Transfer”.
Please note, if you are unable to follow the transfer steps, you can always submit a ticket to be transferred to Mid/Atlantic Association and affiliated with SJAC. You can do this through the USATF website (Contact Support), of just send the appropriate information (i.e., your USATF member number and “Please transfer me to the Mid/Atlantic Association and affiliate me with the South Jersey Athletic Club”) to support@usatf.zendesk.com and they will perform the transfer process for you.
** Note, if a member previously and can login with your user Id and password, use those to “Renew” your membership. If previously affiliated with SJAC in your USATF membership, that may perpetuate. If previously with a different club or not the USATF Mid-Atlantic Association, follow the Transfer process below