August 12, 2024
I'm going to highlight Book{s} that have helped me over the years in Running and/or Triathlons....{Or even}.
The books that I am going to highlight....are Biographies/Autobiographies/In depth studies on Training...not only on the physical but also on mental and how your personal life affects your training. Consistence and Balance!!
Over the next few weeks I will be reviewing books that touch on the Science and Training for those wanting to learn in-depth the “how” & “why” of Improving you Athletic Performance!!!
This book is a Coach’s Training Manual….it goes in-depth on what is needed to Coach/Train/Mentor Athletes to Train & Race in Distances from the 800 Meters to the Marathon. Spending much on Team Dynamics. Every chapter begins with an Objective and ends with A Study Guide {reviewing the main learning points of the chapter}. Be Prepared…This is not an Easy Read but Know this “It will help you and others to Train and Race better”.
In my opinion Coach Vigil is one of if not the Greatest Coach. He has trained some of the Greatest Middle-Distance Athletes. If you read Deena Kator’s book {Let Your Mind Run} that I reviewed in the 1stweek. She mentioned her coach…Coach Vigil throughout the book. His collegiate teams have won an unprecedented 19 national championships. He has 14 International assignments; The Olympic Games, The World Championships, The Pan American Games, The World University Games and seven times head coach for The Cross Country World Championships. In 1997, he was designated as a Master Coach by USATF Coaching Education. And there is so much more!!!!
Here is just a taste of what you can find in its pages……
One of the best chapters is chapter 2. {I Re-Read this chapter several times a year…That helpful}.
Where a simple yet comprehensive study/explanation on …
*Training Loads
*Energy Systems
*VO2 Max
*Anaerobic Threshold
*Running Economy
*Ratio of Fast to Slow Twitch Fibers
I hope you take the time…and yes it will take time to read and get a feel for all the information crammed into each chapter.