July 21, 2024
BOOKS THAT CAN HELP...”Swim, Bike, Run --Eat"
I'm going to highlight Book{s} that have helped me over the years in Running and/or Triathlons....{Or even}.
The books that I am going to highlight....are Biographies/Autobiographies/In depth studies on Training...not only on the physical but also on mental and how your personal life affects your training. Consistence and Balance!!
This Book was written for Triathletes. To help them FUEL/HYDRATE while Training and Racing! This book is a Great Guide for any Endurance athlete Training or Racing for any Event {Swimming or Biking or Running}!!!!
I first found this book in 2014 when I started competing in Ironman distance Triathlons. For those not sure what an Ironman is…It is a Race with 2.4 Mile Swim followed by a 112 mile bike race and finishing with a Marathon 26.2 miles = 140.6 Miles that must be completed in 17 hours or less.
Fueling for these endurance races is extremely critical!! This book helped me. Enabling me to not only finish but to make the podium in North Carolina which also doubled as the USA Triathlon Mid Atlantic Long Course Championship.
I followed the entire recommendation for the Ironman on pg. 152.
Here is just a taste {} of what you can find in its pages……
Part One deals with Nutrition {Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Hydration as well as supplements}
Part Two deals with Training Fuel {Diet/perfect weight}, Fueling your Workouts, Recovery and special diets.
Part Three deals coordinating how to manage all the fuel you need for different race distances.
Part Four deals with Recipes, Power Meals and Power Smoothies.
There are so many Great things you can take from there recommendations. Give them a Try!!!!