June 29,2024 BOOKS THAT CAN HELP...”A Life Without Limits”
I'm going to highlight Book{s} that have helped me over the years in Running and/or Triathlons....{Or even}.
The books that I am going to highlight....are Biographies/Autobiographies/In depth studies on Training...not only on the physical but also on mental and how your personal life affects your training. Consistence and Balance!!
A Life Without Limits is the story of Chisse Wellinton’s Journey from a child to Ironman World Champion 4 Times.
This is an inspiring story that all need to read. I read it first almost 9 years ago and it helped so much especially in competing in an Ironman.
This is another book that I have given away…hoping that they would be inspired as I was!!!
Here some exerts…{These deal with the struggles she faced each day}
“Mine really is the story of the accidental athlete. When your nickname is Muppet, the chances are you are not a child prodigy.”…My drive. I would go so far as to describe it as obsessive-compulsive…But, as a sensitive soul who has always worried—too much most of the time==about what other people think of her, this obsession with self-improvement has often spilled into other less positive preoccupation.” Pg 8-9
I continued with my new found enthusiasm for fitness and started running with a vengeance. I was obsessive about it, in my crappy old trainers and second-hand running clothes…”pg 36
“It was an unhealthy lifestyle, but I couldn’t stop. Working relentlessly is an addiction; anorexia is an addiction. It had started off in the usual way—with a question of body image.” Pg 37
“—to be tolerant of my weakness, I still had to learn to be kinder to myself.” Pg 40
“If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run; walk; if you can’t walk, crawl” Martin Luther King Jr. pg 234
These are just a few. There is so much more. I know I’m not doing it justice. I hope you find this book inspiring and thought provoking!!