June 29,2024 BOOKS THAT CAN HELP...”A Life Without Limits”
I'm going to highlight Book{s} that have helped me over the years in Running and/or Triathlons....{Or even}.
The books that I am going to highlight....are Biographies/Autobiographies/In depth studies on Training...not only on the physical but also on mental and how your personal life affects your training. Consistence and Balance!!
The 4th book is “A Life Without Limits….A World Champion’s Journey” C. Wellinton
A Life Without Limits is the story of Chisse Wellinton’s Journey from a child to Ironman World Champion 4 Times.
This is an inspiring story that all need to read. I read it first almost 9 years ago and it helped so much especially in competing in an Ironman.
This is another book that I have given away…hoping that they would be inspired as I was!!!
Here some exerts…{These deal with the struggles she faced each day}
“Mine really is the story of the accidental athlete. When your nickname is Muppet, the chances are you are not a child prodigy.”…My drive. I would go so far as to describe it as obsessive-compulsive…But, as a sensitive soul who has always worried—too much most of the time==about what other people think of her, this obsession with self-improvement has often spilled into other less positive preoccupation.” Pg 8-9
I continued with my new found enthusiasm for fitness and started running with a vengeance. I was obsessive about it, in my crappy old trainers and second-hand running clothes…”pg 36
“It was an unhealthy lifestyle, but I couldn’t stop. Working relentlessly is an addiction; anorexia is an addiction. It had started off in the usual way—with a question of body image.” Pg 37
“—to be tolerant of my weakness, I still had to learn to be kinder to myself.” Pg 40
“If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run; walk; if you can’t walk, crawl” Martin Luther King Jr. pg 234
These are just a few. There is so much more. I know I’m not doing it justice. I hope you find this book inspiring and thought provoking!!